As freelance communication manager I offer support for cool companies, athletes and brands like Watersport Centre Muiderberg. Jeroen den Hartog was one of the first people who reached out to me and who I’ve been supporting as communication manager since 2012!
Watersport Centre Muiderberg is a small marina in Muiderberg in the Netherlands. I help the owner Jeroen with communication tools like a website (hosting, maintenance, text, SEO, etc) email and social media. They can call me 24/7 for when something goes wrong and I’ll fix it for them, even when I’m somewhere on the other side of the world working for a big sport event.
For entrepreneurs like Jeroen den Hartog it’s really helpful to have someone standby when you are an outdoor worker and you want to integrate online technology, text, email and all that in your daily routine. We have been working together for more than 8 years already, really proud of that!
Are you curious how I can help you as (virtual) communication manager? Feel free to get in touch!